Sanctions Compliance (Pt.2)
Sanctions Compliance (Pt.2)


Dates: 8, 15, 22, 29 June (4 lectures, 1.5 hour per week)

Time: 13.00 – 14.30    Language: Russian

Fee: 77 000 KZT for individuals, 110 000 KZT – for legal entities per participant 

The AIFC Academy of Law jointly with Atelier Ltd and the Institute of Chartered Compliance Professionals proudly presents "Certificate in Sanctions Compliance"

This course is designed for compliance officers, internal auditors, risk managers, legal practitioners, senior and middle managers, as well as managers responsible for responding to new challenges and opportunities,  any specialist who wants to timely and effectively identify, evaluate and develop risk prevention mechanism. 

This course is the 2 part of the Sanctions Compliance certification programme and provide insights on sanctions risk management, sanctions compliance, sanctions evasion and circumvention, risk based sanction screening process.

 To participate in the Programme:

  • ✅  Fill out the Registration form by clicking “Register here”
  • ✅Upon completing Registration Form, you can proceed to payment by clicking "Proceed to Payment". You will be redirected to the website of the University of the Future where you can make online payment for the selected certificate programme.


Lecture 1: Sanctions risk management

- The business wide sanctions risk identification, assessment and mitigation

- Mechanisms of respond to sanctions challenges in a dynamic environment

Lecture 2: Sanctions compliance

- Policies and procedures

- Application of the requirements of international recommendations, standards, regulations and guidelines

- Take a top-down approach to compliance.

- Training employees and third-party agents

Lecture 3: Sanctions evasion and circumvention

- Sanctions evasion and circumvention typologies

- Secondary sanctions application

Lecture 4: Implement a risk-based sanction screening process

- Client onboarding and screening: aligning sanction screening to third-party due diligence procedures

- Client, ultimate beneficial owners and related parties due diligence (OSINT, enforcement lists and international databases, media screening, etc)

- Suspicious activity red flags

- Mitigation procedures and reporting to regulator

- Reporting and record keeping of transactions

- Regular monitoring and revision of the compliance program, external audit


To participate in this course please contact Ayan Tashmagambetov at [email protected]


Find out more information about Aigul Telkarayeva here.

Aigul Telkarayeva
President of the Institute of Chartered Compliance Professionals

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