Sanctions Compliance (Pt.1)
Sanctions Compliance (Pt.1)


Dates: 4, 11, 18, 25 May

Time: 13.00 – 14.30    Language: Russian

Fee (part 1): 77 000 KZT for individuals, 110 000 KZT – for legal entities per participant 

The AIFC Academy of Law jointly with Atelier Ltd and the Institute of Chartered Compliance Professionals proudly presents "Certificate in Sanctions Compliance"

This course is designed for compliance officers, internal auditors, risk managers, legal practitioners, senior and middle managers, as well as managers responsible for responding to new challenges and opportunities,  any specialist who wants to timely and effectively identify, evaluate and develop risk prevention mechanism. 

This course is the 1 part of the Sanctions Compliance certification programme and provide insight on sanctions, their types, impact on commercial activities and business, US, UK, EU and other countries sanctions.  

 To participate in the Programme:

  • ✅  Fill out the Registration form by clicking “Register here”
  • ✅Upon completing Registration Form, you can proceed to payment by clicking "Proceed to Payment". You will be redirected to the website of the University of the Future where you can make online payment for the selected certificate programme. (Temporarily online payment is not possible! Please contact a.tash[email protected]) 



Lecture 1: Sanctions

- Sanctions terminology;

- Types of sanctions and current sanction environment;

- Sanctions breach: punishment, consequences and examples;

- Impact of sanctions on commercial activities.

Lecture 2: Sanction types

-  Financial sanctions;

-  International sanctions;

- Trade sanctions;

- Tariff and non-tariff trade barriers, export controls, dual use goods;

- Asset freezes

- Directions to cease business;

- Anti-terrorism and non-proliferation

Lecture 3: US Sanctions

- Scale and enforcement practice;

- Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List;

- Sectoral sanctions: sanctions arising under Russia/Ukraine crisis;


- Scope and applicability of US sanctions

Lecture 4: EU/UK and other countries sanctions

- Types of EU/UK and other countries sanctions;

- Sectoral sanctions: sanctions arising under Russia/Ukraine crisis;

- UK specific: asset freezes, restrictions, directions to cease business;

- Applicability, coordination and divergence.   



Find out more information about Aigul Telkarayeva here.

Aigul Telkarayeva
President of the Institute of Chartered Compliance Professionals

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